Target Species
If there is one fact we cannot stress enough, it is that our location provides us access to world class halibut fishing. Fish in the 100+lb class are commonplace. With the largest average size caught, and kept, in the entire state being the city of Pelican, we will put you on some barn doors. One of the biggest advantage for us in this location is that there is no where else in the state where you have access to both 3A and 2C regulatory areas. Homer, Seward, and Kodiak are in 3A, while Sitka, Juneau, Ketchikan and Craig are all in 2C. 3A has a larger bag and size limits than 2C, but is closed during certain days of the week. 2C has smaller bag limits, but is open every day of the week. So you will always able to go halibut fishing, and if we can fish 3A you will be able to keep larger halibut than nearly everyone else in Southeast Alaska. All of our boats will be equipped with 2C and 3A permits. if you are looking at other lodges in the area, make sure that all of their boats have both permits before you choose. Past 3A bag limits: 1 halibut any size and 4 per season. Past 2c bag limits: 1 halibut under 42in or over 80in per day.

Fast and furious is the phrase that comes to mind when Coho fishing. Often times hitting as soon as, or even before, the downrigger is set. Chaotic is often times putting it lightly. Larger ones will make make great runs, but their typical action is more of a very violent flailing and shaking. Because of this, paired with their soft mouths, it's common for them to pop off. The later in the season, the larger they get. Average size in June- Mid July is in the 4-8 lb range with some up to 12 lbs. Mid July- Sep average size is 8-14lbs. Fish in the high teens are not uncommon come late August/ Sept. Bag limits over the past decade has been six fish per person per day. During the 2017, in 90 days of fishing, guests on Shane’s boat “kept” 1125 Coho’s. With no Coho’s being caught in the first 15 days.

Sablefish are considered by many to be the most delicious fish we have can chase. With a fine, flaky, and oily meat. But targeting Sablefish is no small task. Found at depths ranging 700-1100 ft, we use our electric reels to target them without having to exhaust yourself. They can really only be targeted on days with light wind and medium to small tides. Average Size is 10-20lbs with a bag limit of 4 per person per day.

Salmon Shark
What is probably the hardest fighting fish to be found here and swimming at speeds in excess of 50 mph is the Salmon Shark. Salmon Shark are a rare but exciting treat if found. While we don’t specifically target this species, it is always exciting when the opportunity arises. They eat very well if you decide to keep it, but there is no issue with just enjoying the fight and releasing one.

The King Salmon is the largest of the Pacific Salmon Species. It is also a target throughout the season, but due to usually having larger bag limits in May and June, they are a higher priority then. Excellent fighters, you will instantly know when you have one on by the large runs they take. Once the Coho and Pink salmon show up, they can become hard to target because of the quantity of other salmon in the water. Average sizes for our location run 20-25 lbs, but 30- 35lbs is not uncommon. Larger ones in the 40-50 lb range can be and are caught, but it is not something that can be targeted. You will have the phrase “Reel, Reel, Reel!” burned into your mind after King fishing because they run at you often, and want you to take up slack. Bag limits in years past have been 2 per day May/ June with 6 annually, and one fish per day in later months for Non-residents.

This covers a broad range of various rock fish species, with nearly forty different species that reside in this area alone. They are divided into two sub groups Pelagic and Non-Pelagic. Shallow pelagic species like Black Rockfish are a hoot. Picking up your jig as it descends and provide a brawl of a fight on light tackle. They typically range in size from 3-7 lbs. Non-Pelagics are much more diverse in size, shape and color. Yelloweye is the most sought after, for its beauty and its taste. They are in no short supply at our location, but a bag limit of 1 per year is in place due to overfishing in places like Sitka and slow growth rate. Short Rakers are another desired target, and are the largest of the rock fish species found here. Examples in the 30-40lb class are commonplace. They are targeted and found at extreme depths while also going after Sablefish. Bag limits for Pelagics have usually been 5 per day and the Non-Pelagics vary from 1-2 per day, depending on the year.

Lingcod are a frightening species found here in abundant numbers that provide excellent fights and pictures. Due to chronic overfishing near larger cities, our bag limit is restrained. One per year 30-35 inches and one over 55. They are simply hard to target in that range and are usually caught while targeting Halibut or swallowing a whole rockfish you have on.